Activhealth attained clarity in crafting digital strategy

The Alibaba Business School - SIRS CEO Programme is timely, as our company realised the importance of e-commerce and social media, but do not have big resources nor in-depth know-how to incorporate and implement it well as part of our business strategy. The programme provided us with perspectives, taught us to think differently and the how-tos which we can apply. These made a significant difference, unlike other study trips. While there are many approaches to e-commerce and the use of social media, the programme provides us with better clarity in crafting our digital strategy substantially as well as shorten our learning curve. Also, it introduced us to the right network to realise our plans. We highly recommend the programme to fellow SMEs (CEOs as well as personnel involved in digital commerce) interested in gaining perspective and know-how to start a digital platform for their business. The programme is practical, and SIRS has follow-up digital programmes to help SMEs realise their strategy.
Irene Soon
Managing Director, Activhealth (Singapore)