Progressive Wage Model (PWM) for Retail

Retail / Assistant Cashier

WSQ Certification in Retail Operations (Level 1)
2 Days | Adapt to Change (SF - Associate)
Being able to adapt helps us to be more resilient in our increasingly complex and challenging world. Adapting means the ability to adjust ourselves to new conditions through changing our ideas or behaviours in order to deal with or manage the changed conditions successfully. This also helps us to cultivate the necessary resilience which is the ability to cope with or recover quickly from difficulties and move on positively. The global landscape is continually and rapidly changing, impacting both personal and commercial fronts. Adaptability is hence a critical success factor for businesses and their staff to cultivate and maintain a level of agility to ensure business and job sustainability and success. Learners will get insights to the global and technological landscapes, their impacts on industries and consumer behaviours, and how these will affect workers and their job roles. Most importantly, learners will discover how to cultivate adaptability in mindset, attitude and behaviour that will benefit both their employability and personal outlook.
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2 Days | Service Challenges (SF - Associate)
In Singapore's rapidly evolving retail landscape, retail frontliners face a myriad of challenges exacerbated by advancing technology. As customers gain access to vast amounts of information, their expectations for seamless service continue to evolve, spanning across various channels of interaction. To thrive in this demanding environment, retail frontliners must equip themselves with the knowledge and skills to not only enhance their sales performance and customer service delivery but also effectively manage customer challenges.
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2 Days | Visual Merchandising: The Power of Visual Narratives
Globally, brick-and-mortar sales is in the decline as consumers are increasingly going online to make their purchases. At the same time, consumers are searching for an exciting offline experience with brands. As a retailer, how can you capitalize on this opportunity?
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Visual Merchandising Presentation (SF - Associate) [AOP]
In a competitive retail landscape where physical stores face stiff competition from online stores, it is important to capitalise the physical store to heighten engagement and interaction with customers through multi-sensory retail experience and visual storytelling. Gone are the days where visual merchandising is simply placing of products on the shelves; key element of providing customers a memorable experien,tial customer journey in the physical store and creating an instagrammable-worthy store, using "Apartment" to present merchandise are new concepts in visual merchandising. This Art and Science of Visual Merchandising programme will impart the basics of store set up, tips and techniques to display products aesthetically to attract customers to explore the store and share their experience through word of mouth or social media.
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Senior Retail Assistant / Senior Cashier

WSQ Certification in Retail Operations (Level 1)
2 Days | Adapt to Change (SF - Associate)
Being able to adapt helps us to be more resilient in our increasingly complex and challenging world. Adapting means the ability to adjust ourselves to new conditions through changing our ideas or behaviours in order to deal with or manage the changed conditions successfully. This also helps us to cultivate the necessary resilience which is the ability to cope with or recover quickly from difficulties and move on positively. The global landscape is continually and rapidly changing, impacting both personal and commercial fronts. Adaptability is hence a critical success factor for businesses and their staff to cultivate and maintain a level of agility to ensure business and job sustainability and success. Learners will get insights to the global and technological landscapes, their impacts on industries and consumer behaviours, and how these will affect workers and their job roles. Most importantly, learners will discover how to cultivate adaptability in mindset, attitude and behaviour that will benefit both their employability and personal outlook.
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WSQ Higher Certification in Retail Operations (Level 2)
1 Day | Customer Experience Management (SF - Senior Associate)
This course aims to help retail staff leverage organisational resources effectively to engage customers across the many platforms that they use alternately. In today’s omnichannel environment, retailers must be well-equipped to reach their customers through both physical and digital platforms effectively and in a relevant way throughout the customer service journey. It is imperative, as such, that retail frontline staff must be upskilled on these platforms, as well as gain the necessary understanding of the business knowledge base in order to optimise service delivery. Service excellence is a key differentiating factor contributing to business competitiveness and in turn business success and sustainability. Learners will acquire the knowledge and skills on how to leverage key platforms together with the use of effective communication methods for enhancing customer interaction and engagement, as well as exercise sound judgement in the customer feedback escalation process for appropriate resolutions to be applied.
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WSQ Advanced Certification in Retail Operations (Level 3)
3 Days | Customer Experience Innovation (SF - Supervisor)
It is a challenging time for brands and businesses today as the retail landscape is continuously evolving and ‘The Experience Factor’ in the retail environment has vastly heightened. Businesses will need help with technology and data science combined with human ingenuity to forecast trends thereby provide insight to design for tomorrow’s consumers and be future-ready. In the Customer Experience Innovation – Future Of Customer Experience module, participants learn the importance of Customer Experience and the need to modernise business structures – with consumers’ ever-increasing demands and expectations cum the many shifts and changing dynamics of retail mutations forming blurred lines between industries … fashion, beauty, food, interior sectors to big data and new tech, pushing the limits of marketing and business strategies.
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Assistant Retail Supervisor

WSQ Certification in Retail Operations (Level 1)
2 Days | Service Challenges (SF - Associate)
In Singapore's rapidly evolving retail landscape, retail frontliners face a myriad of challenges exacerbated by advancing technology. As customers gain access to vast amounts of information, their expectations for seamless service continue to evolve, spanning across various channels of interaction. To thrive in this demanding environment, retail frontliners must equip themselves with the knowledge and skills to not only enhance their sales performance and customer service delivery but also effectively manage customer challenges.
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WSQ Advanced Certification in Retail Operations (Level 3)
3 Days | Service Coaching (SF - Supervisor)
Coaching someone means guiding another person towards attaining a particular goal where the coach also has the responsibility for the outcome achieved. A coach’s goal is to help another discover, enhance and apply their capabilities to achieve a set goal to the best of their potential. In many industries, and in Retail in particular, Service Excellence is one of the most important factors critical to the success of the business. Acquiring the ability to coach your Service staff to deliver at their top performance will effect not just greater business success, but boosts staff morale and teamwork. Being able to deliver a memorable and remarkable customer experience through service is especially important in today’s environment of aggressive competition where many businesses are hard put to find a unique selling point to drive customer acquisition and to cultivate customer loyalty effectively. Leading the forefront in providing valuable coaching to your Service staff can deliver extensive benefits that also includes staff retention, and in turn positive service continuity contributing to business sustainability and success.
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3 Days | Customer Experience Innovation (SF - Supervisor)
It is a challenging time for brands and businesses today as the retail landscape is continuously evolving and ‘The Experience Factor’ in the retail environment has vastly heightened. Businesses will need help with technology and data science combined with human ingenuity to forecast trends thereby provide insight to design for tomorrow’s consumers and be future-ready. In the Customer Experience Innovation – Future Of Customer Experience module, participants learn the importance of Customer Experience and the need to modernise business structures – with consumers’ ever-increasing demands and expectations cum the many shifts and changing dynamics of retail mutations forming blurred lines between industries … fashion, beauty, food, interior sectors to big data and new tech, pushing the limits of marketing and business strategies.
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Retail Supervisor

WSQ Certification in Retail Operations (Level 1)
2 Days | Service Challenges (SF - Associate)
In Singapore's rapidly evolving retail landscape, retail frontliners face a myriad of challenges exacerbated by advancing technology. As customers gain access to vast amounts of information, their expectations for seamless service continue to evolve, spanning across various channels of interaction. To thrive in this demanding environment, retail frontliners must equip themselves with the knowledge and skills to not only enhance their sales performance and customer service delivery but also effectively manage customer challenges.
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WSQ Advanced Certification in Retail Operations (Level 3)
3 Days | Service Coaching (SF - Supervisor)
Coaching someone means guiding another person towards attaining a particular goal where the coach also has the responsibility for the outcome achieved. A coach’s goal is to help another discover, enhance and apply their capabilities to achieve a set goal to the best of their potential. In many industries, and in Retail in particular, Service Excellence is one of the most important factors critical to the success of the business. Acquiring the ability to coach your Service staff to deliver at their top performance will effect not just greater business success, but boosts staff morale and teamwork. Being able to deliver a memorable and remarkable customer experience through service is especially important in today’s environment of aggressive competition where many businesses are hard put to find a unique selling point to drive customer acquisition and to cultivate customer loyalty effectively. Leading the forefront in providing valuable coaching to your Service staff can deliver extensive benefits that also includes staff retention, and in turn positive service continuity contributing to business sustainability and success.
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3 Days | Customer Experience Innovation (SF - Supervisor)
It is a challenging time for brands and businesses today as the retail landscape is continuously evolving and ‘The Experience Factor’ in the retail environment has vastly heightened. Businesses will need help with technology and data science combined with human ingenuity to forecast trends thereby provide insight to design for tomorrow’s consumers and be future-ready. In the Customer Experience Innovation – Future Of Customer Experience module, participants learn the importance of Customer Experience and the need to modernise business structures – with consumers’ ever-increasing demands and expectations cum the many shifts and changing dynamics of retail mutations forming blurred lines between industries … fashion, beauty, food, interior sectors to big data and new tech, pushing the limits of marketing and business strategies.
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Productivity Improvement (SF - Supervisor)
The course helps learner to answer the question, “How do I manage my team for better results?” This subject introduced learners to the concept of productivity at work. learners will gain insights on how they can adopt productivity concepts and tools to improve team performance. At the end of the course, learners will be able to identify team performance issues and make recommendation to overcome the issues.
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Service Planning and Implementation (SF - Supervisor)
In today’s highly digitalised environment in a physical world, people interact and engage on a multitude of platforms and devices. Businesses in turn must adopt an omnichannel approach, but driven by a sound Customer Experience strategy. Service excellence is without question a key competitive differentiator, but it is also a key challenge to sustain consistently across the multitude of channels in meeting customer expectations satisfactorily. In the highly competitive Retail industry, retailers must ensure that they invest wisely in providing their Sales and Service staff with the essential knowledge, skills and resources to support a seamless omnichannel customer experience that equates service excellence to its customers. In this module, Sales and Service Supervisors are given key insights to the digital and physical retail and consumer landscapes. Alongside, they will learn how to navigate them effectively to deliver a seamless service proposition through optimal approaches in resource allocation, planning and management, and operational execution.
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People and Relationship Management (SF - Supervisor)
Research has shown that companies that are committed to diverse leadership are more successful. Such companies are making diversity a competitive differentiator that helps to shift market share towards them. These companies are not only better able to win top talent, they can also improve their customer orientation, employee satisfaction and decision making that lead to increasing returns. With a well-managed diverse team, the workplace is empowered to transform conflicts and challenges into opportunities for team cohesion, leading to higher performance, increase efficiency and excellent service delivery. This module is designed to help supervisors win the hearts and minds of co-workers and team members from different nationalities, cultures, generations and genders in the workplace.
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Retail Manager

WSQ Advanced Certification in Retail Operations (Level 3)
3 Days | Customer Experience Innovation (SF - Supervisor)
It is a challenging time for brands and businesses today as the retail landscape is continuously evolving and ‘The Experience Factor’ in the retail environment has vastly heightened. Businesses will need help with technology and data science combined with human ingenuity to forecast trends thereby provide insight to design for tomorrow’s consumers and be future-ready. In the Customer Experience Innovation – Future Of Customer Experience module, participants learn the importance of Customer Experience and the need to modernise business structures – with consumers’ ever-increasing demands and expectations cum the many shifts and changing dynamics of retail mutations forming blurred lines between industries … fashion, beauty, food, interior sectors to big data and new tech, pushing the limits of marketing and business strategies.
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Productivity Improvement (SF - Supervisor)
The course helps learner to answer the question, “How do I manage my team for better results?” This subject introduced learners to the concept of productivity at work. learners will gain insights on how they can adopt productivity concepts and tools to improve team performance. At the end of the course, learners will be able to identify team performance issues and make recommendation to overcome the issues.
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Service Planning and Implementation (SF - Supervisor)
In today’s highly digitalised environment in a physical world, people interact and engage on a multitude of platforms and devices. Businesses in turn must adopt an omnichannel approach, but driven by a sound Customer Experience strategy. Service excellence is without question a key competitive differentiator, but it is also a key challenge to sustain consistently across the multitude of channels in meeting customer expectations satisfactorily. In the highly competitive Retail industry, retailers must ensure that they invest wisely in providing their Sales and Service staff with the essential knowledge, skills and resources to support a seamless omnichannel customer experience that equates service excellence to its customers. In this module, Sales and Service Supervisors are given key insights to the digital and physical retail and consumer landscapes. Alongside, they will learn how to navigate them effectively to deliver a seamless service proposition through optimal approaches in resource allocation, planning and management, and operational execution.
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People and Relationship Management (SF - Supervisor)
Research has shown that companies that are committed to diverse leadership are more successful. Such companies are making diversity a competitive differentiator that helps to shift market share towards them. These companies are not only better able to win top talent, they can also improve their customer orientation, employee satisfaction and decision making that lead to increasing returns. With a well-managed diverse team, the workplace is empowered to transform conflicts and challenges into opportunities for team cohesion, leading to higher performance, increase efficiency and excellent service delivery. This module is designed to help supervisors win the hearts and minds of co-workers and team members from different nationalities, cultures, generations and genders in the workplace.
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WSQ Diploma in Retail Operations (Level 4)
Sales Target Management (SF - Manager)
Businesses today need to empower staff to take more responsibility and create a more positive work environment. It is important for staff to make essential business decisions and take actions in a dynamic business environment. Today, successful companies around the world are using data to make business decisions in gaining strategic advantage over the competition. Such companies are shifting their focus to data rather than simply relying on business acumen. The course equips learners with knowledge and skills to procure and analyse data and make incisive decisions to improve sales in operations while ensuring alignment to the business objectives and goals.
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