26th August 2024
Our SIRS’ Amazon 2-day programme is called “Master Selling Strategies on Amazon”, and we would be the first to tell you that selling on #Amazon is no mean feat, much less mastering it. Amazon is a highly crowded and competitive platform, and even much more so in the latter years.
So why do we have this programme, and why should you still be looking to onboard this tough platform?
In short, no eCommerce platform is “easy” (anymore). But challenging as it is, there are still many consistently successful #Amazonsellers who have and continue to beat the odds to stand out and reach out to one of the largest #eCommerce consumer markets in the world.

What do these successful sellers know that the rest do not?
Come find out from our #FBABros trainers and immerse yourself in the strategic techniques and insights that have made them super sellers on Amazon.
And if you are wondering how extensive the course is: the consistent feedback from every cohort of our course participants is that the FBABros are wholly generous and comprehensive in their sharing, and the programme has never failed to amaze every single person who has attended.
That’s how #amazing our Amazon programme is.
#SIRS #lifelonglearning #digitalmentorship #inspiration