I want to be a SEO Specialist

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are permanent companions for most Singaporeans these days as we see 76%* of our population being active users. It is a force to be reckoned with and retailers have recognised that and tapping on the potential it brings to their businesses.

Your Learning Pathway to becoming a SEO Specialist

1 Day | Google Data Studio for Impactful Reporting with Data Visualisation
No matter the business size, data is a critical resource for valuable insights into business performance and making informed decisions to drive efficiency. Google Data Studio provides you with a free reporting platform that allows you to easily connect to data sources, such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google BigQuery, YouTube Analytics, Campaign Manager 360, MySQL and many more, to maximise the value of data through its powerful visualisation tool that is highly effective in providing a fast and easy understanding of large data volumes.
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2 Days | GA4 with Google Tag Manager (GTM)
Analytics is an extremely powerful tool in today’s data-driven space to help businesses achieve growth and success by making informed decisions and strategies. Google has introduced* Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to replace its Universal Analytics, the familiar platform to millions of businesses using it to capture and analyse data.
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1 Day | Increase Business Revenue Through Search Engine Optimisation
The rise of digital mediums and innovation in technology have changed the way consumers behave, and thus influencing their purchase decisions. E-commerce platforms, such as e-marketplaces, have also transformed with the increased competition. In this changing landscape, how can businesses leverage the digital mediums to stay competitive and relevant to market needs?
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1 Day | Shopify SEO: Drive Organic Traffic to Your E-Commerce Website
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is one of the most powerful digital marketing strategies to raise the visibility of a website, drive traffic and boost sales opportunities. An SEO-optimised website benefits businesses tremendously in bringing high quality leads organically, a sustainable approach that is cost-free and presents higher creditability and awareness to brands.
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