I want to be a Digital Marketer

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are permanent companions for most Singaporeans these days as we see 76%* of our population being active users. It is a force to be reckoned with and retailers have recognised that and tapping on the potential it brings to their businesses.

Your Learning Pathway to becoming a Digital Marketer

2 Days | Omnichannel Content Marketing and Leads Generation
Our society is transforming in the technological evolution, and every advancement is influencing how businesses attract consumers to buy from them every which way in a fiercely competitive and highly connected market.
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2 Days | GA4 with Google Tag Manager (GTM)
Analytics is an extremely powerful tool in today’s data-driven space to help businesses achieve growth and success by making informed decisions and strategies. Google has introduced* Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to replace its Universal Analytics, the familiar platform to millions of businesses using it to capture and analyse data.
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