Date: 28-04-2022
Skills training must improve on 4 fronts for S’pore workforce to stay competitive: Chan Chun Sing
Click here to read the full story from The Straits Times

As Singapore, along with many parts of the world, moves into an endemic state post-pandemically after more than 2 long years – we are discovering that much has changed in the “new world” that has emerged.
Consumer behaviour and work attitudes have gone through a change in priorities and focus, the use of technology has been accelerated manifold, and evolving at an incredibly rapid rate.
In the face of these inexorable changes, it is imperative that individuals and businesses perceive continual learning to refresh and upskill as a necessity, and immense in its value to sustained personal and professional growth to the benefit of businesses.
The Singapore Institute of Singapore (SIRS), as part of NYP, is a leading body in extending adult continual learning in key demand areas since 2006. In just the recent years, over 200,000 learners have participated in our continually evolving training programmes that include Digital Marketing, the Alibaba Business School in E-Commerce, Business Leadership & Transformation , Customer Experience, and customised Training Programmes